15 ene 2009

Anulados los pedidos de Champion Pack

North Las Vegas, NV (January 13, 2009) — Upper Deck regrets to announce that hobby tournament stores nationwide will not receive their orders of Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Champion Packs. Despite contractual obligations, Konami Digital Entertainment failed to send the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Packs to Upper Deck for distribution to hobby stores.

Keeping the best interests of Yu-Gi-Oh! players and retailers in mind, Upper Deck has maintained business as usual during this uncertain time, fulfilling orders and shipping product to retailers so that Duelists can continue to enjoy the game. Unfortunately, Konami Digital has not released the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Champion Packs to Upper Deck, despite having received the order on time several months ago, rendering Upper Deck unable to fill orders from hobby stores.

Upper Deck regrets that the Yu-Gi-Oh! community is being denied this product, but encourages players to continue to support their local hobby store. Please stay tuned to UDE.com for information about upcoming events.

En un punto de vista algo absurdo, se podria decir que esta es una respuesta de Konami al caso de la toma de control que hubo en los previos meses.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No creo que sea tan absurdo, desde mi punto de vista, konami no va a dejar pasar ni una, sobretodo si mi hipotesis es cierta.


Anónimo dijo...

Vale ,pero alguien me puede decir en que nos afectara ?

o en que nos esta afectando (si es un efecto domino que llega asta aki) si no pasa nada tambien me gustaria estar informado , confio en vosotros ^^